Turnierregeln der DBTM 2024

Basic Information

Für dieses Turnier gelten die im englischen Total Warfare (mindestens korrigierte siebte(oder neuere) Edition) befindlichen Regeln.
Es sind ausschließlich die durch die Turnierleitung gestellten Würfel zu verwenden. Die Nutzung von anderen Würfeln führt zum Ausschluss vom Turnier (Ausnahme: Anlagewürfel).

The dice are rolled WITHOUT a dice cup (to avoid cheating), but visible from the hand on the board or in a dice board/box. The roll MUST be clearly visible to the opponent.

Supplements / deviations from the regulations


The BattleMechs are placed at the edge of the map at the player's side.


A different initiative rule applies. For each turn that a side has lost the initiative in succession, it receives +1 after the first turn. This modifier is cumulative. Accordingly, a side that has lost the initiative four times in a row has a positive initiative modifier of +3, with five lost initiatives +4, etc.

If the initiative changes in this way, the modifier is used up and must be "accumulated" again by losing the initiative.

This ensures a change of initiative after a certain time (at the latest in the thirteenth round of the loss of initiative).

Critical hits

The Floating Crit TacOps p.77 rule applies to a roll of Double One (Snake eyes).

  • Two dice are rolled again to determine the zone actually hit, if a 2 is rolled again, the shot actually hits the torso centre / right torso / left torso (depending on the direction the shot came from). This does not mean that a critical hit is still scored
  • If the result is not a 2, then the shot hits the corresponding hit zone
  • Roll critical hit dice on the table (after armour has been stripped) to determine if a critical hit has been made
  • If there is no more external armour, another critical hit can be made
  • If the target of the attack has "partial cover" and after the first 2 a result is rolled indicating that the legs are hit, then roll again until there is another hit zone other than the legs.


Each player receives one lucky point per tournament round to be played. This is recorded on the score sheet and crossed off after use. A player may spend such a lucky point to force/allow the replay of a dice result. This applies once to any dice roll, regardless of whether it was made with 2W6 or 1W6. All dice used for this are rerolled. The new result must be accepted.

- Edgepoints can therefore be used for ANY type of dice roll (except initiative). This means for both own and opponent's rolls.

More precisely, this means (but not exclusively):

  • Hit to the head (or any other hit zone that would be detrimental to the player).
  • Floating Crits to repeat the double 1 that led to the floating.
  • Number of critical hits
  • Re-throw of a critical hit (e.g.: Re-throw of a critical cockpit hit).
  • Number of hits on the cluster hits table
  • Pilot rolls (own as well as one of the opponent!)
  • Avoidance rolls for shutdown, ammunition explosion etc.

The use of a edgepoint must be declared immediately after the relevant die roll. If the player fails to do so and has, for example, already marked damage, the result must be accepted. The edgeoint can then be used again at a later time.

- The edgepoint is player and tournament round related. Each participating player receives ONE edgepoint per tournament round they play. This is ONLY valid for that tournament round and cannot be accumulated.

- In case of ambiguity, the decision of the game master will apply!

Vehicle effectiveness (see also TacOps p.107)

The following changes are to be made to the hit zone tables and are valid for the championship:

Ground (combat) vehicles

  • remove the critical result on a roll of 8 on the hit zone "side
  • remove the potential Motive System damage on a roll of 9 on all hit zones.

Motive System Damage Table:

  • reduce all vehicle type modifiers by 1 (minimum of 0).

Destroyed units

A BattleMech is considered shot down and must be removed from the board at the end of the round if:

  • three engines of the BattleMech are damaged or lost,
  • two gyros of the BattleMech are damaged,
  • the BattleMech's cockpit is destroyed,
  • the pilot of the BattleMech has suffered six pilot damages,
  • the BattleMech's head is severed,
  • the BattleMech has lost three limbs (arms/legs),
  • the tournament committee declares it shot down.

Sword fight

A sword fight to determine a winner is always held when there is a tie between players after the evaluation of the skirmish(s).

Both players roll two dice (D6) at the same time. Every six is a hit and every one is a parry to ward off a hit.

As soon as a player fails to parry a hit and thus takes it, he takes pilot damage and must make a consciousness roll of increasing difficulty according to the pilot damage table for the pilot damage taken in that round.

If a pilot fails his roll of consciousness, he immediately passes out. If he has to make another roll of consciousness, he can no longer do so.

If a pilot faints, he is stabbed and the opponent wins.

If both players faint at the same time, they roll turn-based consciousness rolls until one wakes up and stabs his still sleeping opponent. If both pilots wake up in the same round, the fight continues as normal.

Should both pilots receive their sixth pilot hit in the same round, the duel will be restarted under the same starting conditions.

In this case, the player is the pilot and starts the sword fight uninjured in each tournament round. This is to ensure fair conditions, as a sword fight between two pilots with different injuries would not have equal chances.

Preliminary round

Each participant will be assigned a player number, which will result in the seeded list for the preliminary round.

Each player will receive the preliminary round tournament folder with his or her assigned player number. The folder contains the tournament sheet for the preliminary round and the eight record sheets that will be used in the preliminary round.

The tournament sheet and the record sheets must be filled in neatly and tidily with a biro and returned in full to the tournament management in the tournament folder at the end of the preliminary round. Missing or badly legible tournament sheets/record sheets will be evaluated by the tournament management at its own discretion and may lead to the loss of a match or even to exclusion from the tournament.

In the preliminary round, four 45-minute bouts will be played by each participant (rounds started within the time limit will be completed in full).

For each battle, the player has two Battlemechs to choose from. The player can choose which battlemech he wants to set up first. The second Battlemech is only placed on the player's side of the map after the first Battlemech has been shot down.

Scoring of the fights in the preliminary round

A player has won a battle in the preliminary round if, at the end of the game, he has shot down more enemy Battlemechs than he has been shot down himself.

The player receives two points for a won match, one point for a draw and no point for a lost match.

Qualification for the main round

The eight players with the most points in the preliminary round reach the main round.

In the event of a tie, the number of battlemechs shot down by the tied players is compared first, then the ratio of all battlemechs shot down to all battlemechs lost. If there is a tie, the winner is determined by sword fight.

The seeding list for the main round results from the placement in the preliminary round.

Main round

The fights in the main round last 80 minutes and are started simultaneously by the tournament management. The final fencing lasts 120 minutes and is also started by the tournament management. Rounds started within the time limit will be played to the end. The winner of the bout advances to the next round.

Each player receives the tournament folder according to the seeding list. The tournament folder contains the tournament sheet, the line-up protocol for the selected units and the record sheets of the available units.

The tournament sheet and the record sheets must be filled in neatly and tidily with a biro and returned to the tournament management at the end of the match. Missing or badly legible tournament sheets/record sheets will be judged by the tournament management at its own discretion and may lead to the loss of a match or even to exclusion from the tournament.

The folder must not be opened until the tournament committee allows it. If it is opened before then (by anyone except the tournament committee) the player will be disqualified.

At the signal of the tournament management, all participants in the quarter-finals may open their tournament folders, so that all players have ten minutes to select the units they want to lead into the fray from the given pool. The selected units shall be noted legibly on the line-up log in biros. This must be submitted to the tournament management before the end of the 10-minute period.

Discussion of units or assistance with selection must be refrained from by all present during these 10 minutes.

After handing in the set-up protocols, the participants sit down at the table given to them and prepare for the battle (pieces, dice, etc.).

A participant will be excluded from the further course of the tournament if

  • a tournament folder is opened before the tournament committee allows it,
  • he/she discusses units or accepts assistance with selection during the 10-minute selection period.
  • He/she does not hand in his/her formation report to the tournament management within the time limit,
  • the units recorded in the line-up report do not correspond to the specifications in the tournament sheet,
  • the formation report is not clearly legible
  • he has not completed his preparations at the start of the competition.

Scoring of the fights in the main round

A player has won a battle if, at the end of the game, he has shot down more enemy units than he himself has been shot down or if his opponent surrenders. If the last units are shot down in the same round, the winner of the battle is determined by a sword fight, using the two pilots including the damage they have already received from the two units shot down.

If at the end of the game there are still the same number of units on both sides, the BV of the units shot down is added and the player who has shot down more BV wins. If there is a tie, the lost armour points (internal and external) of the units on the field are counted and the player who has lost fewer armour points wins. If there is still a tie, the winner of the battle is determined by a sword fight.